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Monard National School, Monard, Co Tipperary

January Newsletter

16th Jan 2019

Monard National School





Welcome back and a happy new year to everyone.




Nationwide filmed in classes 3rd to 6th on Tuesday, January 8th.  This was part of the commemoration for Soloheadbeg Ambush and will be aired on Friday, January 18th on RTE at 7pm.


Soloheadbeg Commemoration

Pupils from 3rd to 6th part-taking in the guard of honour on Sunday, 20th are required to assemble in the Church grounds at 11.15am.  Parents of children are permitted to park on school grounds (please use Cullen Road gate) on the day as roads leading up to the church will be blocked.  Please collect your child from the Church grounds after the commemoration at 1.15pm. 

Pupils must wear full uniform and black shoes on the day.  Please layer dress your child for the weather as they cannot wear coats for the guard of honour.



Pupils in 5th & 6th class will participate in Bizworld on Wednesday and Thursday, February 6th & 7th.  Bizworld is programme designed to teach young people about money management and enterprise in fun and creative ways.


Supervision and Collection times

Official school times are 9.20am to 3.00pm (2pm for Junior and Senior Infants).  Please note that school doors open at 9.10am in the morning and close at 3.10pm in the evening.  If your child is on school  grounds outside of these times; they will not be supervised and school cannot accept responsibility for them, as staff are under no obligation to be present outside of these hours.


First Holy Communion and First Penance

Enrolment mass for First Holy Communion pupils will take place on Sunday, February 10th (during normal Sunday mass – 11.30am) and First Penance will take place on Thursday night, March 7th - time will be confirmed nearer to the date.



From January 7th, Ms. Browne is a shared SET teacher between Monard N.S. and Oola N.S.  Ms. Browne will be in Monard N.S. from 1.00 – 3.00pm each day.

We welcome back Ms. Áine Fitzgerald (Jnr & Snr Infants) from maternity leave.



We hope to enter 3 teams again this year in the FAI schools soccer.  It is open to pupils from 4th to 6th class only.


GAA Coaches

Our GAA Coaches will return every Tuesday at the end of January.


Magic of Music

We welcome back Gillian from Magic of Music on Friday, January 18th and we hope to continue every Friday until June.  Cost €2 every Friday.


School Closures

School will be closed for pupils on Wednesday, January 23rd for in-service training for staff.  School as normal on Thursday.

Mid-term Break:     February 21st and 22nd, 2019.


Thank you for your continued support.


Le gach dea ghuí.



Mary O’Dwyer,
