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Monard National School, Monard, Co Tipperary

Hi 1st & 2nd Class

19th Mar 2020

Hi 1st and 2nd class, it's Ms Mullins here I hope you all are not missing me too much :). I am missing you all and our normal school routine. I hope the school work is going ok for you all. I am looking forward to seeing you all soon. My e mail address is if you would like to send me an e mail to keep me updated on everything you have been doing. (your parents/guardian may help you with this.)                                          In the meantime do loads of reading, get out for some exercise and help a little bit around the house when you can.  

Ms. Mullins

Some extra resources for you all :)

Cosmic Kids Yoga - youtube

Zumba Kids - youtube


Resources on the school website



The children will come through this. Playing together, reading together and chatting will also give them plenty of stimulation outside of any structured independent activities you have planned. Don't let this be an added stress.