Our School is fortunate to have a visiting coach programme weekly and all classes participate. Children play football and hurling. Teams are entered in Under 11 and 13 football and hurling competitions.
Monard NS have entered teams in the Tipperary schools soccer league in the last two years.
Classes from first to sixth take swimming lessons usually for a 6-8 week period in Sean Treacy Swimming Pool,Tipperary .
Monard NS have taken advantage of our proximity to the Ballykisteen Golf Club by taking lessons from our local golf pro , Marian Riordan. Part of these lessons entail a visit to the Golf Club
Tag Rugby is a regular fixture and the school has been fortunate enough to participate in rugby blitzes from time to time.
We have included an input in Modern Dance in the past few years and have also participated in Zumba Dance for a 6 week slot in the past.

The children in the Senior classes have been playing chess for the past few years and we have held in-school chess leagues. We have competed and experienced success in the Munster chess league and the Novice competition.
Green Schools Committee

All children participate in green schools activities and elect a committee every year to work on getting green school awards such as our recently awarded Tidy Schools Award. We have just been awarded our second green flag which is a water flag. Great work has been done in our school garden by Sheila and Rory McKenzie from the local community and children have experienced growing and harvesting their own vegetables.
Cycle Safety
Every alternate year the school participates in a cycle safety unit where the children learn the principles of cycle safety and basic cycle maintenance.
Book Fair
Every alternate year the school holds a very successful book fair which is very popular with all the children and gives a boost to reading as an enjoyable hobby.
There is a strong tradition of participation in STEM activities in the senior classes. STEM is science , technology, engineering and maths education. Children construct items from lego blocks and programme them using an app called “Legowedo 2”. Children have built and programmed house alarms, cranes, buildings, trucks, cars, prosthetic devices etc.
Monard National School, Monard, Sologhead Co Tipperary, Ireland | Phone: 062 47557